
HéMaVie, a solution for patients suffering from multiple myeloma

Problem : improve the daily lives of patients

Multiple myeloma is a rare cancer of the bone marrow. Each year, about 5000 new cases of myeloma are detected in France. The average patient is 72-years old when diagnosed. The disease, along with its heavy treatments (chemotherapies, targeted therapies, autografts) lead to significant changes in everyday life: impact on social and family life, loss of autonomy; and impact on the quality of life (pain, anxiety, side effects). It is essential to support each patient in a reinforced and personalized manner, and to provide them with accurate and reliable information on the disease, its cause, and its progression.

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See also

Scientific communications

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool


Clinical Ink and Observia: Pioneering Personalized Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials


By your side in 2024: Happy Holidays from Observia!

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