The first Therapeutic Patient Education platform for cardiac rehabilitation
How to improve cardiac rehabilitation efficiency?
Cardiac rehabilitation is necessary after heart failure and generally includes a therapeutic patient education program. The aim of such a program is to help patients be more competent about their disease and set up good lifestyle habits.
Therapeutic patient education relies on 4 main pillars: a shared diagnosis, the patient’s motivation and willingness,the learning phase and the maintenance phase. Many issues are at stake: how to better engage patients in the program? How to better assess their progress? How to facilitate interprofessional coordination?
Digitalizing health practices
We developed an interactive and educational platform for caregivers and patients in close collaboration with the cardiac rehabilitation department of the Léopold Bellan Hospital. The “Atoutcoeur” platform offers a personalized program adapted to each patient’s profile and preferences. It provides healthcare profes- sionals (HCPs) with a coordination tool to simplify educational diagnosis, better monitor their patients’ objectives and offers gamified learning modules to patients (treatments, risk factors, daily life…) Finally, thanks to a userfriendly assessment tool and a dynamic dashboard, HCPs can visualize anytime and for every patient the progression of their objectives and motivation.
“Observia set up a modern and friendly therapeutic education tool, respectful of patients’ dignity, choices and decisions. Patients no longer feel left on their own and are supported by HCPs in achieving their therapeutic education objectives. Now fully integrated in the department usages, Atoutcoeur represents a valued coordination and work tool contributing to the continuous improvement of our patients’ management in cardiac rehabilitation. The recent addition of Observia’s SPUR™ behavioral diagnostic tool allows for a deep understanding of each patient’s behavioral drivers and thus a better program personalization for even more efficiency.”
Dr. Kamel Abdennbi, Head of department and Cardiologist
Get all details of Atoutcoeur's impact in the full Success Story: