Building a scalable ePRO platform
Patients struggle to share their experience with HCPs
During medical appointments, patients often struggle to precisely describe their experience and outcomes between appointments to their healthcare professionals (HCPs).
This leads to patients feeling less empowerment and engagement in their treatment, and HCPs being faced with limited available data for their decision making. In this context, the Global Digital Health team of a leading pharmaceutical company reached out to us to discuss how to build a scalable ePRO platform offering a premium patient experience.
The goal: enabling patients’ use of ePROs in an easy and accessible way to enable them to track their symptoms and outcomes longitudinally for significantly improved patient-HCP interactions.
A user-centric approach
Our approach was focused on leveraging existing ePROs that are already scientifically validated and available in many countries and languages. The focus was to transform these ePROs into an engaging tool to create longitudinal records for patients, focusing on a few key areas: a very smooth flow of the questionnaires, accessibility from any device, easy onboarding into the account, and structured and impactful reports which can easily be shared with HCPs.
The reports shall then become a core part of patients’ preparation of their discussion with their HCP about the progression of their condition. Once an account is generated, patients are encouraged to complete the questionnaire regularly through personalized reminders. They have access to a personalized dashboard to see their data, and consume personalized content to help them manage their disease.
"Helping patients be more empowered and engaged in their treatment is a core priority for us. From the beginning we knew that a key requirement would be to build something that is truly patient centric in design and functionality. That is why we chose Observia, with their extensive experience in patient centricity and understanding behaviors of patients. In our joint development work, Observia has shown their thought leadership and expertise, both on a technical and a design level and were a key reason for making this one of the fastest developed and scaled solutions in the company."
Digital Health Solutions Director
With more than 11,000 questionnaires completed, this ePRO has successfully been scaled. Find all details in the full Success Story
See also

Beyond DTx: Is Pharma Missing the Bigger Picture in Digital Health?

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool